Charlottesville: a town haunted by the far right

Charlottesville: a town haunted by the far right

First published by New Statesman, 17th August 2017 On 12 August, a car ploughed down pedestrians in the street where I used to buy my pecan pies. I had recently returned to London from Charlottesville, Virginia – the scene of what appears to have been an act of white...

Family is key to breaking the reoffending cycle

First published 8th September 2017 on The Spectator’s Coffee House Lord Farmer’s Review on prison reform, launched this week at the Centre for Social Justice think tank, is ground-breaking for a number of reasons. For starters, it gets family. In an...

What we must learn from the tragic case of Charlie Gard

First published on The Spectator’s Coffee House blog, 2nd August 2017   I teach bioethics, and the abiding temptation is always to design classes around rare, fiendishly complex cases. That’s how you grab the attention of bored undergraduates; the fodder you...

In defence of offence

First published on The Spectator’s Coffee House blog on 20th July 2017 On Tuesday the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) announced a crackdown on gender stereotyping. Adverts suggesting men are useless around the house – racing out of the door, leaving the...

A Christian Movie that Embarrasses Christianity

First published in The Hedgehog Review, September 2nd, 2016 The new Ben-Hur is bad. As scathing reviews have noted, this implausible remake is treacly, pietistic and rushed. Replete with gooey flashbacks and clunky transitions, it begins with the famous chariot race,...